Mr. America Mike Katz


Mike Katz is a former American IFBB professional bodybuilder and former professional football player with the New York Jets, most famous for his appearance with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1977 bodybuilding documentary film Pumping Iron. Katz attended Southern Connecticut State College, graduating in 1966. He worked as a Jr. High School gym teacher while training as an amateur bodybuilder. Katz cited bullying in his youth for being Jewish and wearing glasses as inspiration for weight training. He was known for his role as the underdog in the 1975 Mr. Universe competition, where, he refused to give up on himself despite placing 4th place in the Tall man division. Katz later went professional and qualified for the 1976 Mr. Olympia, placing 2nd in the heavyweight division in what was considered his peak form (Katz had greatly improved his proportions, considered his main flaw as a competitor). Mike Katz was also a pro football player with the New York Jets before ending his NFL career with a leg injury in 1968.


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